Workers' Compensation and Social Security

Workers' Compensation and Social Security

Unemployment is at an all time low, and it seems like anyone who wants a job can find one. Construction is booming and buildings are going up all over South Florida. With such hustle and bustle during the holiday season, accidents on the job may occur.

If you are injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits. Florida Statute 440 outlines your rights and responsibilities under the workers' compensation system. The accident must be reported, and medical treatment provided from an authorized workers compensation provider. Discuss your accident and injury with your employer as soon as it happens. If medical treatment is not provided or wage benefits not paid, you may seek legal counsel.

Social security disability is available to people who are disabled consistent with grids established by the government. Residual functional capacity will be analyzed by the administrative law judge who examines a vocational rehabilitation expert about jobs available within your restrictions. Medical evidence is crucial to your claim. Consult your attorney about representation.

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