Personal Injury Cases & Nursing Homes

Personal Injury Cases & Nursing Homes

One of the fundamental differences between assisted living facilities and nursing homes is that the latter provides medical and personal care to people with complex health needs. The people who live there may need assistance to move. They depend on health professionals to ensure they take their prescribed medication or to give them treatment for ongoing illnesses. This is a portion of the population that is susceptible to severe injuries. The CDC reported that 25% of older Americans fall at least once a year, and 1 in 5 will suffer serious injuries. 

Additionally, this portion of the population can be neglected, abused, or exploited. Never forget that these people have rights. They can be found in the Nursing Home Reform Act and the Resident’s Bill of Rights. If someone you love was injured in a nursing home due to negligence or a lack of care, you could file a lawsuit. This enables people to recoup the money they lost on medical bills, and it can compensate the victim for the undue pain and suffering they endured. Emotional distress and the loss of enjoyment may also factor into the settlement amount. In the most extreme cases, families can also initiate wrongful death lawsuits. 

What You Should Look For 

If someone you love has been injured in a nursing home, your priority is to ensure they receive the medical care they need. Your next step is to contact a personal injury attorney who has experience with personal injury cases involving nursing homes. To understand why, look at some of the common injuries that occur in them: 

  • Emotional abuse and neglect 

  • Falls 

  • Residents being physically assaulted by other residents 

  • Lack of care resulting in injuries (e.g., bedsores)

  • Unintentionally being harmed by a staff member (e.g., being dropped)

Your lawyer will help ascertain the actual root cause of the injury. For instance, if a resident got out of bed on their own and suffered a fall, is it their fault? There’s not enough information to answer that question. Who was supposed to be taking care of them? Were protocols followed? Did the nursing home hire competent and qualified staff to care for the residents? 
The issue becomes more challenging when the resident’s mental health is negatively impacted by how they are treated. For example, you may visit someone to discover that they are easily agitated, have had trouble sleeping, or are suddenly acting withdrawn and distant. Contact an attorney who can help you and your loved one if you witness these. 

Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney About Nursing Home Abuse
When someone you love is injured due to someone’s negligence, allow us to hold the correct party accountable. With over three decades of civil litigation experience, we know how to protect you (or a family member) after an injury. Contact The Law Office of William C. Robinson to schedule a free initial consultation.

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