What To Do Following A Serious Injury

What To Do Following A Serious Injury

It stands to reason that you will not be in the best frame of mind following an accident. Proper prior planning is critical for those situations. As a general guideline, you need to protect yourself for the long term. Not only does this include getting the medical attention you require but acting in a way that won’t cause you further harm.

Personal injury lawsuits center on making you financially whole again. There are many direct and indirect financial consequences to deal with. In addition to being injured, you face the costs of lost wages, damaged property, and medical bills. 

More Than Words

The priority will always be your safety. For the seriously injured person, focus on seeking medical attention. But when able, capture the moment. Everything you say afterward becomes even more powerful when you have the documentation that proves your story. 

What kinds of things should you document? In the event of a car accident, take pictures of all the cars involved in the accident. There is no such thing as too many pictures of the accident and the area surrounding it. At worst, your personal injury attorney won’t use them. At best, they are evidence your attorney can use to win your personal injury case.

Witness statements are also a powerful way of corroborating your story. These are people who have no personal interest in the case. Your statements may be challenged by opposing counsel. They could argue that what you are saying is being done to win a settlement. But when an outside third-party source stands as a witness, your statement becomes that much stronger. 

Call An Attorney 

Whatever you say at the scene of the accident might end up in someone else’s statement. For example, if you get out of the car and quickly apologize—even if you are trying to be kind—it may be argued that you admitted fault. 

Limit your conversation, and call an attorney. Allow your statements to go through him. If the police question you, you should recount your version of events to the best of your ability. Focus on the facts and be honest. 

The Law Office of William C. Robinson 

If you have been injured in an accident, contact The Law Office of William C. Robinson. Your first consultation is free. We want to ensure our clients don’t experience additional financial difficulties because they were involved in an accident caused by the negligence of others. Let us fight to make you financially whole again.  

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